ARES Simulated Emergency Test 

JCARES Emergency Coordinator- Clark Measels, WD4CM, –

I am pleased to make the following appointments within JCARES:

AEC – Administration: Tom Bosse:
Tom’s responsibilities will include maintaining our roster and annual ARES registration process; preparing and submitting JCARES related press releases; submitting ARRL Public Service Activity Reports and documenting activity at supported events / incidents.
AEC – Technology: Dale Knight,  AB4DK:
Dale will continue in his current role as “go-to-guy” for all things technology-wise. Specifically, he will develop and coordinate digital modes and other technology training and presentations; manage the and The websites; and provide computer guidance and assistance to our members.
AEC – Net Operations: CHRIS KNIGHT, W4CDK:
Chris  will to manage the net control station operators roster and submit weekly liaison reports to the TN Combined ARES phone net on 3,980 Khz. He will supervise the training of net control operators utilizing a standardized net script and encourage the participation of all members on our weekly 2 meter FM nets. Chris will also have responsibility for preparing the annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET)  Net Report Form B to the ARRL.
AEC – Hospital Net Operations: Larry Smith, KM4SGZ, will be managing the Regional Hospital Nets for Jefferson County.
Please join me in congratulations to  our Assistant Emergency Coordinators!
Please visit the new Tennesee Amateur Radio Emergency Services website now online at